Seasons of Service and Change

Have you ever been in a season of change? I’ve recently been through one. The Lord has asked me to give up leadership of a group that I’ve been a part of for eight years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed preparing for each meeting and guiding the group in its prayer time. But, freshly committed to total obedience, I said “Yes, Lord. Who should I ask to step in and take the helm?” Right away he gave me the name of a woman who I knew would do a great job with our prayer group. When I asked, she didn’t hesitate. She responded “Yes!” God had already had her go through the needed training. God is so good! The group will not miss a beat and I believe it will grow and flourish under God’s guidance and her leadership.

After the transition went so well, Satan tried lying to me by saying God was asking me to give these things up because I won’t be around next year. Thank goodness the Lord had renewed my mind and my commitment to believe truth earlier that day. The simple truth is God is moving and He has other things for me to be a part of and He’s already revealing some new opportunities. His desire is for not for us to grow stagnate but to be willing. He longs us to willing to do whatever He desires us to do.

Is the Lord asking you to make a change? Is He asking you to give up something you love? Is He asking you to give up something you feel totally responsible for doing? Acts 17:25 states “and human hands can’t serve His needs, for He has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything and He satisfies every need.” God designed us to work. He wants us to serve to meet the needs of others and in doing so He fulfills a need in us. He gives us purpose. Where are you serving? Where does He want you to be? How will you get there?

Lord, I pray you will help us to keep serving. You have work for each one of us to do, work that you created for us before time began. Help us meet the needs of others as we strive to be abundantly yours. In Christ’s Name and by His power, Amen.

About Emily Carter at Abundantly His

Emily Carter is a Christian speaker and writer who loves telling people about Jesus and how He can change your life and make it full and exciting. Emily's goal is to love and worship the Lord, her God with all of her heart, soul, mind, and strength. She seeks to do this through loving people and serving them.
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2 Responses to Seasons of Service and Change

  1. Simone says:

    Your writing always challenges me to draw closer to God, to listen out for him and to be ready to move out of my comfort zone in an ever changing relationship with him.

    Thank you.


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