About Emily

While Emily accepted Jesus at age twelve and was called to ministry at eighteen, it wasn’t until she was twenty-three that she became a passionate follower of Christ.

Since then her life’s pursuit has been to bring glory to God in all she does by fulfilling the greatest commandments: to love the Lord her God with all her heart, soul, mind and strength and to love her neighbor as herself.

After graduating with a Masters in Religious Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Emily moved to Charlotte, North Carolina to serve as Minister to Students. While in Charlotte, she met and married her wonderful husband Hayden and they now have three beautiful children, Coleman, Grace, and Rachel. She now is serving as full time wife and mom.

It is her desire for God to impact the world through her as she proclaims His truths through speaking and writing. She prays that God will use both the easy and hard parts of her life to bring glory to Himself and allow others to see the great, abundant love of Jesus Christ. “May the greatness of  God never be overshadowed by cancer and sin.” – Emily Carter